The passion for winegrowing is an old tradition for the family de Clock. Originally from Holland, Jean Clock settled in Bordeaux in 1679, and subsequently determined to cultivate a vineyard in that region.
Soon King Louis the XIV, who recognized the quality of his wines, naturalized him as a French citizen in 1686. In his lineage, Jean-Baptiste-Alexandre was ennobled in 1757 by Great Counsellor of the King. Leon de Clock married Camille de Vulliod and like numerous generations of winegrowers before, he undertook the management of the vineyard and the domaine.
Le Château Font-Mars is situated on the property at Mèze. From 1864 until today the property has been managed by the ancestors of Camille (Privat, Allié, Guibert, de Vulliod). Jean-Baptiste de Clock, their youngest son, is now the owner and continues both family traditions.
The vineyards cover 55 hectares and the terroir contains three different types of soil: pliocène marin in the south, river formation in the west along the river Negue-Vaques, bégudo Rognacien, clay-chalk type in the Northeast.